🤓 Preparing to Launch


What is the difference between launching a Featured Deal and a Marketplace Deal? Launching a Featured Deal at PitchGround is a collaborative effort between your team and the PitchGround Marketing team.

All of the requirements (deliverables) will be requested from you by our team. When you are onboarded, you will be greeted by the team, with each team member asking you for certain parts of deliverables and scheduling meetings with you and your team for various activities like Webinars. Basically, if you're launching a Featured deal, we walk you through the entire process. In case you are wondering how to become a Featured deal, all you need to do is apply here. If you've already applied and have been recommended by our SaaS team to launch on Marketplace instead, or if a self-serve Marketplace listing is best for your product, then here is a walkthrough on how to do that.

What are the costs of launching at PitchGround?

There are no upfront costs or fees to launch your product on PitchGround. We, instead, work on a revenue-sharing system where we split the revenue generated through the campaign depending on the type of deal you launch. It works like this:

The revenue split for Featured Deals is 60-40, where 60% of the revenue goes to PitchGround, and 40% of the revenue goes to you. From this 60%, PitchGround pays out affiliate commission, runs paid ads campaigns, and delivers all of the sales pages, video production, and other media. Your work on the actual campaign and on the marketing is basically zero, as the PitchGround marketing team takes on all the work. You also get full access to the team, they walk you through the entire process of launching and are always available to answer your questions.

The revenue split for Marketplace Deals is 70-30, where 70% of the revenue goes to you, and 30% of the revenue goes to PitchGround. Keep in mind that from our 30%, PitchGround will still pay affiliate commissions and we use the revenue pool from Marketplace to launch marketing campaigns for Marketplace as a whole. The PitchGround marketing team will not be involved in your specific campaign with a Marketplace Deal.

It's up to you to decide which type of deal works best for you and your business. We would love to have you launch at Pitchground either way!

For the purposes of this guide, we will go over certain things outside of the deliverables and scheduling of meetings. We'll dive deeper into what is required to set yourself up for a successful campaign whether your deal is Featured or Marketplace.

We'll start with the basics. 🚀